Installation and Approval of Energy Storage Systems

Here is another useful document shedding some light on definitions and requirements to install LIFEPO Energy Storage Systems in dwellings. Anyone with an electrical background please help me to develop a flow chart that is easy to understand on how to proceed to get approval for ESS installations.

Please feel free to add your suggetions. Here is a start:

  • Summarize the components being used as a ESS such as LIFEPO batteries plus total storage, DLO cables and sizes and lengths, Combiner box if present, inverter equipment.
  • Apply for a deviation to use an ESS in a dwelling.
  • Provide all certification documents for the proposed equipment being used.
  • Field evaluation required for all ESS? Code reference?
  • Contacts for field evaluations  where required?
  • Special permits required? Code reference?
  • ????